So what?

So i made a blog....Its not like I have alot of time on my hands. I guess i like expressing myself. I like having freedom to write however i want. Some people ask why i use letters to get my point across. I guess its because my mind and mouth work together as well as a whiffle ball bat works with a Randy Johnson fastball. Yeah, i like to sit and think about what i want to say, and how i want to say it. And then i say it. Thats why i am quiet when someone is yelling at me, or when someone shares their heart with me. I like to think. Thinking is my favorite. At the same time, its my worst enemy. It tells me things that arent true, and then i kill myself over it. Not literally, but i do torment myself with my thoughts. i figured it out. I created this blog so that i can get out what i am thinking, and you who read this, can understand. Like anyone is going to take the time to read what i have to say. Maybe they will.
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