Last Saturday, I spent the day in New York. It was an amazing day. I went to Yankee Stadium on the day Alex Rodriguez belted his 500th career homerun. I even had tickets! But I didn't go to the game. I had my tickets passed off to somebody who didn't even make it to the game in time for the homerun. I however made it to the stadium right in time for the ninth inning, because I had to deliver a video I made to someone who was at the game. So with the city abuzz, I wandered the streets of Manhattan with a few of my friends. There is something about the city that makes you forget about everything going on everywhere else in the world, and think about...nothing. Wandered through the park. Went to Chinatown. Had dinner in Times Square. Wandered again through Soho and back down to Little Italy. There wasn't an agenda. No goals. Nothing that needed to be done. Just enjoying life with a couple of amazing people. So...That day I had a minor epiphany. The last few years I have found myself setting so many goals. Making so many plans that I knew would never come true. Having so many of these so called "epiphanies" that would change my life for a few days and then change itself a few days later.
I think I need to erase my goals for a little while. I don't mean losing all inspiration or ambition, but just focus on what I need to do right now. I'm such a dreamer. I need to focus on structure. I have so many things come together over the last few weeks. So many of my dreams came back into reality. Things, while not at all organized, are becoming so much clearer. I really do feel happy, about where I am, and what I'm doing. It's really interesting how life works. So I am going to focus on the few priorities that I have, and revolve the rest of my life around them. I figure thats how I should have been doing it the whole time. We'll see how things go. Right now, I am going to watch the end of American Psycho ( an amazing flick) and go to bed. Tomorrow I have a few things to do, but other than that life will be what life always has been and always will be. That is, of course, unpredictable.
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