Sunday, May 21, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006

What is true beauty? There arent to many things in this world that are truly beautiful. And when you think something is, you give it enough time and it will start to fade. Think about the last time you saw something amazing. My example is the sunset on the ocean. I grew up in New Mexico for the most part. So when i moved back to Florida in the summer of 2001, i will never forget seeing the ocean again that first time. I remember the sounds of the Gulf of Mexico looking out the screen door of our condo. The breeze in the palm trees. Seagulls. Wave runners. It was so amazing to me. Something i knew i would never grow tired of. But somehow i did. Now that i no longer live in Florida, even when i go back, i dont consider the beach a priority on my list of things to do. I think i went home 3 times in a year and never went to the beach once. But there are beautiful things in life that dont fade. Things that cant be compared. Things that stand out above anything else. Things that have been there for a while still demand a moment where your breath is taken away by just a glimpse. I love that feeling. When there is so much going on around you but you cant help but tune it all out. voices. lights. people walking by. loud noises. But still you are captivated by that shade of blue you have never seen anywhere else, and you flash back to the first time you saw it. How the brightness warms you up until you cant help but smile. You get that picture of what true beauty really is. Its more beautiful than any sunset could ever be.
So what?

So i made a blog....Its not like I have alot of time on my hands. I guess i like expressing myself. I like having freedom to write however i want. Some people ask why i use letters to get my point across. I guess its because my mind and mouth work together as well as a whiffle ball bat works with a Randy Johnson fastball. Yeah, i like to sit and think about what i want to say, and how i want to say it. And then i say it. Thats why i am quiet when someone is yelling at me, or when someone shares their heart with me. I like to think. Thinking is my favorite. At the same time, its my worst enemy. It tells me things that arent true, and then i kill myself over it. Not literally, but i do torment myself with my thoughts. i figured it out. I created this blog so that i can get out what i am thinking, and you who read this, can understand. Like anyone is going to take the time to read what i have to say. Maybe they will.